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26 April 2022 - 14 September 2024
F2F Health Matters community
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Open until 30 September 2024

This website will gather several events of the F2F project during the two years of the project.

Dates of the country focus online webinars series n°2

  • Connecting with Canada - June 2023 [DELIVERED] 
  • Connecting with Vietnam - 12 September 2023 [DELIVERED]
  • Connecting with South Korea - 19/01/24 at 10:00 CET [DELIVERED]
  • Connecting with United Arab Emirates - 24 April 2024 [DELIVERED]
  • Connecting with Japan - 24 June 2024 [DELIVERED]

Exploratory missions

    Canada, Japan and U.A.E. international trade missions have been delivered in November 2022, June 2023 and February 2024. 

     Training sessions

    • Canada - to take place between May and October 2022 [DELIVERED]
    • Japan - to take place between April and May 2023 [DELIVERED]
    • UAE - to take place between November 2023 and February 2024 [DELIVERED]

    Rendez-vous carnets:

    • Canada - to take place between June and October 2022 [DELIVERED]
    • Japan - to take place between February and June 2023 [DELIVERED]
    • UAE - to take place between November 2023 and February 2024 [DELIVERED]

    Pictural journey in Dubai - U.A.E. mission (14-19 February 2024)

    Group picture in Tokyo - Japan mission (22-26 June 2023)

    Insights and feedback - Canada mission in Montreal and Toronto (20-25 November 2022)

    Feedback from InovCluster members : https://www.linkedin.com/posts... 

    Feedback from Wagralim members: https://www.linkedin.com/posts...

    Feedback from Bioeconomy Cluster members: https://www.linkedin.com/posts...

    Feedback from Clusaga members: https://www.linkedin.com/posts...

    Feedback from Valorial members: https://www.linkedin.com/posts...